You can start a relationship with Jesus just like these athletes.

As you've seen in the stories of Stephanie, Stevan, and Annette, often overcoming challenges requires something greater than ourselves. Their journeys show their struggles and how they found fulfillment and peace beyond their sports achievements.
This fulfillment comes from understanding a greater love—God's love. God created us to live in harmony with Him, but often, we make choices that go against His plans, leading to a sense of separation and unfulfillment. Despite this, God's love for us remains unchanging.
In His great love, God made a way for us to restore our connection with Him. He sent His Son, Jesus, who lived without fault but chose to suffer and die, taking upon Himself the consequences of our choices. His resurrection from the dead is the ultimate proof of His power over all that can separate us from Him.
To experience this profound love and start a new chapter of life guided by His purpose, all we need to do is accept this gift. This acceptance is like opening the door to a new beginning—it's about trusting what Jesus did, He did for you. It's allowing Him to lead you into a fulfilling life that aligns with His good plans. You can talk to God and express to Him that you know that you have made choices that are against His plans and that you want to accept His gift of forgiveness and salvation due to the resurrection of Jesus.