transform your life

Change Your Mind, Transform Your Life

Golden Nugget: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

Daily Verse: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” —Romans 12:2

Daily Message:
Have you ever gotten caught up in a fad only to look back and wonder, “What was I thinking?” What was the big deal about wearing this or having that? But somehow, someone convinced you that the latest fashion looked good on you. 

Humans are a fickle bunch. Trends come and go in our society. Today’s verse tells us not to follow the world’s standards. There are more important things for us to focus on—like God’s character and will. 

The more we think about God, the more we are transformed from the inside out. Changes start in our thinking and in our hearts. As we learn more through the Bible and prayer, our minds are renewed and our behavior follows. The earthly things that once seemed so important become insignificant compared to learning and growing as a Christ-follower. 

God doesn’t go out of style and he isn’t a passing fad. After all, he’s been around since the beginning of time.

Consider This:

  • How has your thinking and behavior changed over the past few years?
  • What thinking or behavior would you like to change now?        

Take Action: 
Set aside time this week to pray about specific areas in your life that you would like to change. Ask God to work in you, to guide you, and to give you the strength and wisdom to bring about those changes.