God Surprises

relaxing with God

God Surprises

The Golden Nugget: Delighting in God brings surprising rewards.

Daily Verse: “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” —Psalm 37:4

Daily Message: 
Some people think a life with God is like a fence that keeps you bound in a certain space, limited and cut-off. Fortunately, life with God is just the opposite. Imagine a wide-open space with fences around dangerous things to keep you safe (like you would find around a high-voltage tower in the middle of a field). God wants you to live and delight in the openness and everything about it while staying away from harm.

In that life that you will discover all God has in store for you. You will:

  • Be protected from all that would have you lose your life.
  • Enjoy a peace that is beyond your conception.
  • Discover that you have more than plenty in times of scarcity.
  • Be surprised by your own generosity.
  • Speak with a wisdom and authority you didn’t know you had.

God delights in you when you enthrall yourself in him. God’s creation is all for you.

Consider This:

  • What does a relationship look like when one of the parties is only moderately enthused?
  • What are those “Warning—Danger!” areas in your life?

Take Action:
Read Psalm 37 and write down in your own words all the promises God makes for your life within that psalm.