Powerful Stillness

tree on the horizon

Powerful Stillness

Golden Nugget: “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Daily Verse: “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” —Psalm 46:10

Daily Message:
Sometimes I find myself saying, “It’s too quiet in here,” as I turn on the TV just to fill the silence. In our world, there’s so much noise going on around us that in those rare quiet moments, the silence becomes deafening. We don’t know how to handle it.

Our society values busyness and equates activity with some level of importance. The busier we are doing this or going there, the more important we must be. But all the noise and distractions of keeping busy often make us miss what’s really important, those key moments—moments when God is trying to tell us something or when we could be connecting to him through prayer and meditation. 

Today’s verse tells us to use that time to sit quietly in our realization that God is who he says he is—creator of the universe, all-knowing, all-powerful, and ever-present. God just wants us to be still and know he is with us, to focus on his presence. The peace and strength that can be found in that are powerful.

Consider This: 

  • What do you do in your quiet times?
  • How can you make more quiet time for yourself?

Take Action:
During your alone time this week—and whenever possible—turn off everything. The computer, the TV, the radio, the phone —anything that makes noise. Sit and breathe. Acknowledge that God is who he is and that he is in control. Journal a few sentences about how you felt during and after your quiet time.