One of Life’s Most Important Questions

holding Bible up to sun

One of Life’s Most Important Questions

Golden Nugget: “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for [your belief]. But do this with gentleness and respect.” 

Daily Verse: “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” —1 Peter 3:15

Daily Message:
Have you ever noticed how many problems can be solved with a simple Google search? When my family and I moved to a new city, our dog struggled to adjust. He barked continually! In desperation I Googled “Help my dog stop barking,” and the results were amazing. Google’s suggestions helped fix the situation.

But bigger questions than this—questions about life, love, meaning, and purpose—are on most of our minds. No matter how smart we are, we spend most of our time looking for answers to both big and small questions.

Today’s verse contains the basis for one of life’s most important questions, “What gives you hope?” Peter encourages all Christians to have an answer to any question about why they believe in Jesus Christ and place their hope in him. Christians are called not to blind belief, but to thoughtful faith.

But perhaps even more importantly, Christians are called to explain their beliefs “with gentleness and respect.” Often this instruction falls by the wayside; as a result, Christians have gained a reputation for being judgmental. Work against this stigma. Make sure that your words and actions are a conduit for God’s love to reach others.

Consider This: 

  • What is your biggest question about God? What is one step you can take to find the answer?
  • Are you prepared to tell someone about your faith in Jesus Christ?
  • Are your words gentle and respectful?

Take Action:
Pick three people and ask them, “What gives you hope?” If they are believers, ask them why they are. Then answer the questions yourself. Compare all four answers. What did you learn?