Taming The Angry Monster

how to process anger

Taming The Angry Monster

Golden Nugget: “In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.”     

Daily Verse: “In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.” —Ephesians 4:26

Daily Message:
I did it again. I didn’t even have a legitimate reason. And it’s not as if it hasn’t happened before. I confess: I lost my temper. I threw a tantrum like a preschool child whose parents refused to buy him ice cream.

Life surprises me at times, but my temper shouldn’t. Yet where does that angry monster come from? And is there any hope to tame him?

Today’s verse gives at least one clue to the root of the problem and one potential solution: not all anger is bad. How we process anger is what can cause damage to ourselves and the people we love. Just because we feel angry does not mean we are doomed—anger and sin are not the same.

This verse gives one clear solution. Deal with your anger quickly. Don’t go to bed angry. That may seem simplistic, but it’s great practical advice. Working through your anger doesn’t mean that the problem is necessarily solved; it simply means that you have dealt with those negative emotions.

Though it may feel uncomfortable in the short-term, in the long-term you will sleep like a baby!

Consider This:

  • What’s the best advice you have ever heard about dealing with anger?
  • What are you the angriest about right now?
  • What would it take for you to deal with your anger as soon as possible?

Take Action:
Become more self-aware by taking a close look at the last three times you got really angry. If your outburst was a symptom, what are some things that could be causing the problem? Plan in advance how you can guard your life from damaging, angry responses. Ask God to help you find solutions for your anger.