


Golden Nugget: “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for me.”


Daily Verse: “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40


Daily Message:

Have you ever passed a person with a broken-down car on the freeway and wanted to help but kept going? What about a homeless person asking for money? These things can make us bristle or freeze up, feeling confused and guilty. But once we let our guard down, we can see that it’s not just about stopping on the freeway or putting change in a cup—though these are honorable gestures. It’s an overall posture and practice of being willing to help and serve our neighbors.


The Bible defines pure religion as taking care of the widows and orphans—who then would have been helpless members of society—in their distress. Giving alms to the poor is an ancient practice that continues today through tithing, philanthropy, nonprofit development, and even socially minded businesses. Setting aside time to volunteer, donate, and partner with causes that seek to fill in the gaps in our society is a way to meet Jesus—to do unto him what he’s done and can do for us in our distress.


Consider This:

  • What needs are evident in your area?
  • Which of these needs breaks your heart the most?
  • What organizations are best addressing these needs?


Take Action:

Donate and volunteer with a group that is doing good in your area.