Good Work!

Good Work!

Golden Nugget: “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”


Daily Verse: “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” —Matthew 5:16


Daily Message:

Have you ever been to a concert that blew your mind? Or to a play that made you stand up and clap like crazy? What about an inspiring story of self-sacrifice that brought you to tears? These are the building blocks of the kingdom of heaven—the stunning works of beauty, truth, and goodness that draw us in, making our hearts leap with praise. And little do many of us know, the praise that rises up in us is for the Father, who created all good things and in whom is the beginning of music, poetry, and beauty of all kinds.


We are designed for these works, these moments, these conversations and crafts, these sacrificial acts. We are designed to see them, appreciate them, participate in them, and—as Jesus says in today’s verse—to initiate them. And sometimes they’re not thought through beforehand. Often they just happen in the quiet everydayness of our lives as we seek to be good friends, good parents, good spouses, good workers. Our lives play out the poem of God, the music of the Messiah, the great dance of his cosmos.


Consider This:

  • When do you get most excited?
  • When was the last time you attended a concert, a play, or an art museum display? What kind of effect did it have on you?
  • When was the last time you took a moment to appreciate the beauty of life itself?


Take Action:

Share your excitement about something you enjoy with someone else.