Golden Nugget: “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”
Daily Verse: “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”— John 10:27
Daily Message:
It’s remarkable how a child grows accustomed to a parent’s voice in utero. The vocal
chords resonate and reach into the conscious being developing within its mother. After birth, the infant calls back, cooing and crying out for that voice, that maternal or paternal presence. Then the toddler learns to listen to that voice as it sets boundaries and to walk with and follow that voice in life.
Jesus’ words above speak to a similar depth of “knowing.” He speaks, as the Word of God, and his voice resonates deep within us. Since all things are held together in him, from creation to consummation, we are absorbed into and have our being in the sound waves of his Spirit. When we offer ourselves to God in a desire for rebirth, we grow accustomed to the deep peace that he gives us in his presence. We learn to follow this peace—this voice—in the comfort that we are known, seen, and protected by God.
Consider This:
- Who are some of your favorite voices in music, media, or life? How do they make you feel?
- When do you feel most at peace? Does a sense of peace help you in your decision-making process?
Take Action:
Listen to your favorite album while you work today. Call your parents or your children to say you love them.