counting cash

Better Than a Paycheck

Golden Nugget: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Daily Verse: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” —Romans 6:23

Daily Message:
I remember my very first paying job. I worked in an office as a receptionist, answering the phone and entering data into the computer. It was at this job that I first experienced the thrill of getting a paycheck.

Getting paid what we have earned is a good feeling indeed. But the Bible talks about another kind of earning: “the wages of sin is death.”

That’s quite a strong statement. The wages (earnings) of sin (missing God’s ideal) is actually death. I certainly don’t want to earn death, though I can’t deny that I have definitely missed God’s ideal a myriad of times in my life. 

However, this verse also delivers great news—God offers us the gift (not earned) of eternal life (the opposite of death) in Jesus. A true gift comes from the generosity of the giver and can never be earned.

What I have earned is horrific spiritual death. But God, in his love, offers me the exact opposite: a beautiful life with him that lasts forever. And this news is even better than a big paycheck.

Consider This:

  • What is the best thing you have ever earned?
  • How did you feel when you received your first paycheck?
  • How do you feel when you hear about the free gift of unending life that God offers in this verse?

Take Action:
Find a Christian friend and talk about what it means to accept this gift of unending life that God offers. Do you feel that you have “opened” your free gift? Why or why not?