God's gift to humans

God’s Gift to Humans

Golden Nugget: “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.”
Daily Verse: “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” —Ephesians 2:8

Daily Message: 
My family didn’t have much when I was growing up, but one Christmas my parents bought me the bike I really wanted. The fact that they sacrificed so much in order to give it to me made it a lasting memory. We naturally place more value on a gift that meets a deep need or desire—especially one that comes through great sacrifice from someone else.

Today’s verse talks about a gift far beyond our dreams, a gift that came through tremendous sacrifice. The apostle Paul writes that God gave us salvation through faith that is not in us but is a gift from God. We did nothing to earn it; God’s grace is not our own doing.

God saved us from a life apart from him and gave us a forever life with him. That is what Christ did for us. He was the sacrifice given in love to bridge the gap between God and us. Jesus is God’s gift to us—given in love, from a gracious heart, by a great sacrifice.

Consider This: 

  • What is one of the best gifts you have ever received?
  • What are some of God’s best gifts to you?
  • What gifts can you give to others?

Take Action:
Think about the people in your life to whom you are the closest and make a plan to give them a gift (whether of your time, abilities, or material possessions) that requires a sacrifice on your part. Maybe when you are together you can share what you are learning about God.