Deep within our souls is a drive to belong, to have a place and purpose in life. But what is that purpose?
It's hard to know what to believe. But could our beliefs impact us more than we realize?
Christians are notorious for being hypocritical. Why is that?
Is the Bible more than a dust-collector on a shelf next to an old photo of grandma?
The poet asked God, "What is man that you are mindful of him?"
Could it be that Jesus never existed? Has everyone who believes in him been deceived?
The Bible is a very old and unusual book. Where did it come from? Discover answers here.
We hear about evangelicals in the media, but who are they really?
Religious tolerance is essential to a peaceful future. But is it enough just to be tolerant?
To most religious people, sin is a four-letter word. Why is that? What is sin in the first place?